Quality and Sustainability

Pastificio Davena is committed every day to bringing the best products to consumers' tables while respecting the environment, the economy and the society for a sustainable development.

Our values


Selected raw materials, highly specialised staff, state-of-the-art machinery  to guarantee quality and offer a wide assortment of fresh filled pasta to meet every single need.Pastificio Davena is now a highly technological company, equipped with next-generation machinery which has allowed the production capacity to double and emissions and energy consumption to be reduced. Automation also makes it possible to more fully respect the raw materials and not “stress” the dough, guaranteeing a superior quality product.


We guarantee food quality and safety, monitoring and verifying the supply chain at every stage, complying with all production process standards fully respecting international hygiene requirements. Strict control procedures are conducted daily on suppliers and continuous analyses of ingredients and raw materials. These procedures allow us to guarantee our customers high-quality safe products that comply with international standards.NO Palm oil NO Powdered eggs NO GMO ingredients NO Hydrogenated fats NO Food Dyes NO Artificial flavours NO Preservatives


Economic Sustainability: we are committed to generating work and income in a stable and lasting manner, promoting company growth and creating job opportunities.Environmental Sustainability: we are committed to respecting the environment, using renewable resources and minimising the impact of packaging and production facilities on the environment. For this reason, our efforts are committed daily to finding increasingly innovative and sustainable packaging. We aim to reduce waste and improve storage reducing the use of plastic as much as possible. Social Sustainability: we are committed to protecting human rights and ensuring equitable well-being. That is why we collaborate with local communities and support social inclusion projects.

Private Label Products

Pastificio Davena partners with the main domestic and international distribution brands owing to its dedicated customised service. With our R&D team, we develop custom-made products in keeping with customer requests. We provide consultancy, strict quality control along the production cycle and sustainable, exclusive packaging. We guarantee rapid order handling and are able to provide an efficient and reliable logistics service.

IFS FOOD safety

International Food Safety Standard, whose main purpose is to promote the effective selection of retail branded food suppliers on the basis of their ability to provide safe products that comply with contractual specifications and legal requirements.
Pastificio Davena uses energy from certified renewable sources and recyclable packaging for a sustainable future.

Aiuti e contributi pubblici ricevuti

Soggetto ricevente: Pastificio Davena Srl 

C.F. soggetto ricevente: 03210370163 

Autorità concedente: Invitalia – Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa S.p.a.

Aiuto: Investimenti sostenibili 4.0 – decreto del Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico del 18.01.2023 - finanziato nell’ambito della risposta dell’Unione alla pandemia di COVID19.

L’investimento è costituito da una nuova linea di produzione completa di pasta ripiena con Integrazione Verticale ed orrizontale. I principali componenti sono la Doppia Impastatrice Automatica Continua, nastri trasportatori, Pastorizzatore/pre Essiccatoio, Generatore di Vapore . Il progetto è pienamente riconducibile a quanto previsto dalla disciplina “Industry 4.0” e garantirà un incremento della produzione, un prodotto con migliore qualità e proprietà organolettiche. Il nuovo impianto consente maggiore flessibilità, riduzione dei consumi energetici a favore della sostenibilità e maggior rispetto della materia prima e grazie alla connessione degli impianti una gestione smart dell’automazione dell’intero processo.

Production plants
Ambrosini Group